Wednesday, February 24, 2010

3 Reasons I did not like "Crazy Heart"

I watched "Crazy Heart" about a month ago and it was so mundane that I barely remember it enough to write this post. I do remember being impressed with Jeff Bridges - which is the sole reason I went to see this film (and the sole reason that I would recommend it to anyone). However, I do not believe that his performance is better than his fellow nominees this awards season. Here are reasons that I did not like the film.

1. I don't enjoy country music - It is not that the music was bad or anything - I actually enjoyed most of the songs, however they all sounded exactly the same! Which is the problem that I have with this type of music.

2. The story was bland and predictable - Has-been singer/songwriter on the verge of drinking himself to an early grave hits rock bottom, discovers the error of his ways and recovers. That is the whole story.

3. The supporting cast - I will give Maggie Gyllenhaal some credit for making her love for "Bad Blake" realistic (he was all kinds of unappealing), but I don't think she deserves an Oscar nomination for it! Since she was overlooked by Oscar for her fantastic performances in Sherrybaby and Secretary, I wont protest her nomination too much. My real problem was with Colin Farrell (you know from this blog that I am usually a big supporter). I don't know if it was necessarily his fault or if he was just miscast. I know he can do an American accent (as seen in Tigerland) but his accent in this film was almost unbearable.

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