Friday, August 16, 2024

Thoughts on 5 Films

1. Talk to Me -
This movie took such a freaking long time to release to a streaming service! I feel like I've been waiting to watch it for YEARS (it's only been one year, but STILL). A few film people I follow had really good things to say about this, so I was looking forward to it, all while staying relatively spoiler free. I didn't know much about it at all, actually - even the fact that it's an Australian movie surprised me. It's so weird because I'm actually planning a trip to Australia for the Fall of next year and suddenly I see Australia stuff all around me all the time. Overall, I really liked this movie. The cast is excellent - the only ones I recognize are Miranda Otto and Reb from Wentworth!! I've never seen them in anything else, but they were so good on that show! But I was really blown away by the performance of the main star - Sophie Wilde, especially during the "conjuring" scenes. She's just SO good, and really makes the whole movie work for me. I like the pacing of the film too - because you never quite know what the story is until towards the end when it's clearly a statement on suicidal thoughts, mental illness, and guilt. It becomes very interesting and thoughtful with regards to these subjects. I don't necessary think the movie is scary at all, but it definitely creeped me out. 

2. Love Lies Bleeding -
I had high expectations for this, but not because I'm a big fan of Kristen Stewart like a lot of cinephiles - it's because I watched Saint Maud three years ago and I can't stop thinking about it. This is the same director (Rose Glass), so I was super intrigued. And I do like Kristen Stewart for the most part (she's inconsistent though). I also liked this movie, for the most part. I was surprised by the supporting cast of Dave Franco and Jena Malone because I didn't see them advertised at all. And also the girl that played Lavinia in Dickinson!!! I love her so much! Glad to see her in more things. I'm not really familiar with Katy O'Brian, but she most definitely should have been cast in She-Hulk (I love Tatiana Maslany, but she's SO TINY!). I could have done without all the bad haircuts (it's the 80s I get it, but I lived through the 80s and yes, someone would have a bad perm or a rat tail, but NOT EVERY SINGLE PERSON. Some of us just had normal hair). The story is good though - it's a bit of Thelma & Louise (but somehow make it more gay), and Titane, combined with GLOW. It also goes to unexpected places, doesn't shy away from the violence and gore of this world. I just don't think it's something that's going to stick with me. 

3. Pet Sematary: Bloodlines -
This is really terrible and also very unmemorable. I was never really the biggest fan of the original (I don't really remember it to be honest. Other than calling my cat "Church the Pet Sematary cat" when she was being a bitch). There was also a remake not that long ago that I also didn't care for. I don't really know why I watched this - I was in the mood for a dumb horror movie and this seemed to fit the bill. But dumb horror does not = bad horror, and I feel like this concept confuses people. The biggest problem is that I could not tell you the plot. Is there one? There are some good scenes - like the scene in the hospital is incredible, but it would have been better if I knew what was happening. There are some weird camera angles to show even weirder perspectives, but again - just a bunch of scenes and dialogue thrown together. I do like the cast - I couldn't figure out how I knew the young girl but she's from The Goldbergs! All grown up and she is GORGEOUS (also just found out that her sister is the ghost girl from the new Ghostbusters movie! Talented family!). I don't like seeing Henry Thomas as a full grown adult with full grown adult kids, but that's my cross to bear. 

4. Abigail -
What a fun little horror movie! It reminded me a little of Ready or Not, which is one of my favorite horrors of the last decade. I do wish that I had not seen the trailer for this already because they spoil the twist. I'm pretty good with avoiding these things, but I think this played before a movie at the theater, which is the only time I watch trailers now (and I don't go to the movies that often anymore for various reasons). It would have been so much fun to have this as a surprise, but oh well. So let's talk about this cast - I love Melissa Barrera. I've liked her in every project so far, and I'm glad that she's sticking to her guns even if it means losing jobs (although I also heard that she will, in fact, be in the next Scream movie, and if that's the case I'm going to be furious (not really I don't let movie & celebrity drama effect my life, like, at all, and I think it's weird that others do)). Dan Stevens knocks this out of the park - his heavy NY accent is so overdone that it provides most of the humor. Some of his line delivery is *chef's kiss*. Kathryn Newton is delightful (again, I've liked her in everything except Ant-Man - she just isn't right for that role). My heart breaks for Angus Cloud - Fez was my favorite character on Euphoria. His career was just beginning and he had so much potential. I was so sad when I heard about his death because it kind of reminded me of Cory Monteith (don't get me started! Still one of my most upsetting celebrity deaths). BUT, the highlight is this little girl. Alisha Weir BLEW ME AWAY. When she starts to explain everything - it is EVERYTHING. I was like "omg this little girl is GOOOOD", so I looked her up and was SHOCKED that she's Irish!! Her American accent is so good - it's a bit southern bell, mixed with...something that I can't put my finger on. Anyway, I love her so much - I instantly added Matilda to my watchlist. She's going to be a big star, mark my words. There's some really funny dialogue ("his head fell off") and hilariously gory scenes, but it's certainly not perfect. The color grading is SO yellow and sepia toned (WHY???), the length of Melissa's hair changes throughout (the story takes place in one night), the end drags a bit, and I just can't enjoy a story that makes us root for the bad guys (it's like Don't Breathe when we're supposed to care about a bunch of thieves breaking into a seemingly innocent old man's home). But overall, it's a fun ride with a great group of actors. 

5. A Family Affair -
Almost had an unintentional all horror post, but this messed up the streak. I mean, it's kind of a horror, with how bad it is, if that counts? I wasn't actually planning on watching this (I'm trying to get better about not wasting my time watching obvious crap but I'm still really bad at it...), but I was on a plane and I wanted to watch something that I didn't have to really think about too much that I could download from Netflix and...voila! Plus, I do really like Joey King, Nicole Kidman & Zac Efron - so I thought it could still be entertaining on a basic level of just liking the actors. And it is - but that's where the enjoyment stops. It's like The Idea of You, but NOT good. It's actually almost the identical plot. The problem is that I don't really feel any chemistry between Efron and Kidman - they are actually a very odd couple. I also feel like the development of Kidman's character is severely lacking. There's an incredibly interesting relationship between her and her mother-in-law (the mother of her dead husband) that I would have liked to see explored more. We learn more about her daughter than her, which is weird for a love story that we are supposed to root for. Unfortunately the daughter is entitled, spoiled, narcissistic, etc., so the audience doesn't really root for her to succeed either. There are several quick moments where these traits are pointed out to her, but it's all quickly forgiven. I think King has a very clear natural comedic talent - her line delivery is perfect and she's sort of out-acting everyone she shares a scene with (yes, even Kidman). I think the only good thing to come out of this movie is that she's able to show this versatility. Kathy Bates has some nice "insightful grandma" scenes. Sherry Cola is way underused (she's funny! Make her do funny stuff!). There's kind of some funny meta Hollywood stuff, too, but otherwise I don't recommend it unless you're extremely bored on a plane after a 5 hour departure delay. 

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