Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Movie Marathon: X-Men*

*I'm not including spin-off or origin films because that's like 8 more movies - maybe I'll do the Wolverine movies separately at some point* 

1. X-Men -
I can't believe this movie came out 24 years ago!! And I haven't seen it since its release. I don't remember much about it, but I do remember liking it. I assume I saw it in the movie theater on release because from 1996 to about 2005 I saw every movie in the theater (I mean not every movie, but I went to the movies at least twice a week). The cast is great - Hugh Jackman, James Marsden, Famke Jannsen, Rebecca Romijn, and obviously Ian and Patrick. I'm not the biggest Anna Paquin fan, and I definitely think she's the weak link. And also, Halle Berry is...terrible. I think it's weird to notice this, because I used to be such a big fan, but then suddenly I saw her in something (I think it was either the John Wick movie she was in or Kingsman: The Golden Circle) and I was shocked at how bad she was. I thought it was a new thing, but after rewatching these movies, I realize she might have always been bad? Anyway, I think this is a very good start for the franchise. It introduces a lot of characters, but gives them all time to shine and develop. The Magneto stuff is terrific and super cool, but the some of the other effects are are bad (like him speeding on the motorcycle - it just looks so fake). The foreshadowing is a little too much, also. But overall it was a fun rewatch. 

2. X2 - I've had two revelations watching this - first, I definitely should have done this marathon rewatch before I watched Deadpool & Wolverine, because there's so much that I didn't even get because my memory is terrible. I figured the characters that showed up were from the X-Men universe at some point, but I don't remember them at all (like Pyro, for example). I also didn't catch that the "Bye, Bye, Bye" opening credits scene is also a reference to this (it comes on the radio and Wolverine immediately turns it off. LOL). Also, I can't believe Brian Cox is in this!! After shitting on comic book movies (around the release time of D&W) and he's FUCKING IN ONE OF THEM?! Come on, dude. Was he just bitter he wasn't invited to be in D&W? My second revelation is that this movie is GOOD! For some reason I thought it was bad and I'm always surprised when people rank it so highly among the X-Men movies. But it's highly ranked in mine now too! There's definitely a little too much filler in the middle so it drags a bit, but overall it's great! If it was about 30 minutes shorter it would have been a 4 star movie! (I actually don't rate any of these 4 stars, even after a rewatch. 3.5 is the highest). 

3. X-Men: The Last Stand - Okay, so this one is the bad one. It's really, really bad, too. Like the drop in quality is insane. I also question if I've ever actually watched this one? It was released when I lived in Philly and my movie theater attendance dropped (actually - I still went to the movies a lot, but the closest theater was an independent theater so I saw more smaller movies. I had to drive to a regular theater - and driving in Philly was not a fun adventure). Learning that it was directed by Brett Ratner makes sense as to why it turned out so awful. Bryan Singer is a garbage human being but he could direct a big blockbuster movie - there's no denying that. I'm actually waiting for Singer's comeback because all these cancelled assholes find their way back into Hollywood somehow. But it's been like 6 years and we haven't heard a peep! Anyway, like I said, I'm not sure I ever watched this because I don't remember a single thing about it - especially the ending??? Is that why they went the prequel root? That makes sense now. I was surprised by some of the actors that appear - like Ben Foster! And a baby Elliot Page! Hugh Jackman looks...weird in this one - like maybe the hairline on the wig is off? Something is wrong with it. And the de-aging tech hasn't really gotten any better, has it? It was awful here and it's still awful! The whole thing is just weird - like how Jean just *appears* with no real plausible explanation? So dumb. 

4. X-Men: First Class - First of all, I've been a James McAvoy fan from day one. I remember when I first started dating my husband he asked me who my biggest celebrity crush was and I said James McAvoy - he was like "isn't that...Professor X?" (and he was also shocked that I didn't say the usual Chris Evans type person). I know he's known to most as Professor X or from the Shyamalan movies, but I've been been in love with him for like 20 years now. When I first saw this movie, I had a mixed reaction to it, but McAvoy is the clear highlight. He forms a bond & chemistry with Michael Fassbender that fells really genuine, which helps this franchise continue the way it did. I'm also a big fan of Michael Vaughn's movies (sorry, Kingsman haters, but they are extremely well made action movies). I'm still mixed on this, though. There's some really good stuff, but overall - there's just too much wrong with it. Jennifer Lawrence was miscast from the beginning (and she literally gave up 1/2 way through these movies). January Jones should be a megastar after her role in Mad Men, but shows clearly that she unfortunately can't act and Mad Men was a fluke. I didn't even remember all the side character mutant actors like Zoe Kravitz and Caleb Landry Jones because they are all so dull. Overall, I found this rewatch kind of...boring? The Wolverine scene is legendary, though. 

5. X-Men: Days of Future Past - I'm actually surprised that this is my favorite of the bunch because on my initial watch, I wasn't that impressed. Maybe my expectations were too high because it is so highly praised by others? I'm not sure, but I seriously loved this one. So, I guess everyone was right! I think it's partly because they finally got the cast right. I mean, obviously Lawrence continues in this role, but everyone else is soooo good. It definitely features the best acting out of any of the X-Men movies. McAvoy is INCREDIBLE. I think he got outshined by Evan Peters as Quicksilver because those scenes are so much fun - and Peters does a great job. But McAvoy shows a range of emotions that nobody else can touch. I think bringing Wolverine back into the mix helps tremendously - and he brings an energy to it that is lacking in First Class. I love the way it weaves the past & present together, and there's some really funny dialogue. But they do explain the plot way too many times (which was my complaint from the first one. We're not stupid - we get it. It's not that difficult!). 

6. X-Men: Apocalypse - I liked this one more than most on my initial watch. There were things I didn't like about it, sure. Like, Lawrence is dead weight at this point. And Sophie Turner as Jean Grey is a TERRIBLE casting decision (and she even got her own movie too! Even though it was more of an X-Men movie, I'm NOT rewatching it because I remember it being really awful). She's so blank - especially compared to Famke Janssen!! And Olivia Munn has like one line of dialogue!? It's so weird. They really do the women in this franchise dirty. Either bad casting, terrible dialogue to work with, or they cut them to bit parts. The only saving grace is Rose Byrne. I like the casting of Cyclops, though - Ty Sheridan. This is the role that Taron Egerton talks about turning down (because he didn't want to do multiple films in which his eyes were covered). I glad he turned it down, but I think if he didn't it probably would have been a bigger character arc (like, we would have definitely gotten a Cyclops spinoff). I also would DIE to see James & Taron in a movie together (my two biggest crushes!). I'm still hopeful that it will happen because they are both close with Matthew Vaughn. He's gotta put them in a movie together at some point?!! I still liked this movie on a rewatch - I like it for the simplicity and linear story compared to all the craziness of the other two prequels. This feels more straightforward and to the point. The villain is a bit weak (played by Oscar Isaac! I forgot about that!), and some of explosions look bad. And it's missing Wolverine! (except "I hope that's the last we see of that guy" made me laugh hard!). But, overall, it's fine. *shrugs shoulders*


X-Men: Days of Future Past 
X-Men: First Class 
X-Men: Apocalypse 
X-Men: The Last Stand 

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