'Glee' is officially back! I think the first episode was a solid one - it sets up a few nice story arcs for the season that I am really excited about. Here are my thoughts on the episode:
1. "Me and My Hag" – I love Kurt and Rachel together. They always seem very natural together in scenes and the chemistry between them is perfect - the scene with them in the car was heartbreaking. I also enjoy this whole "are we really good enough" angle – they are basically humiliated by the realization that there are millions of talented people in the world. They actually have to put some effort into having their dreams realized. So, they invest in some extracurricular activities (Rachel decides to add “lead in a school musical” to her resume while Kurt decides to run for senior class president) – which sets some nice groundwork for the upcoming season. Also, I assume the season will end with them in extreme competition (you did notice that the school they both want to get into only accept 20 students a year...highly unlikely they would pick 2 kids from the same school - does this remind anyone else of The O.C?).
2. Where was Finn? – I seriously hate when they shove him in the background – especially when they beat us over the head with the whole “back to basics” “focus on core characters” direction of season 3. The beginning sets up his story arc of him being "lost" followed by a multiple slushying (is that a word?). We also get some very adorable shots of him on the drums (always a highlight) but really nothing else. Very disappointing.
3. “The Skanks” – Wow it has been a long time since I heard that word. …..but holy crap Dianna looked good (still can’t act though…). I love this whole plot: Quinn is now a bad-ass “skank” who has pink hair, a nose ring, a tramp stamp (of Ryan Seacrest – please let Joel McHale make fun of that on The Soup) and spends her school days hanging under the bleachers, smoking cigarettes. I hope they keep it going because I don’t think Dianna/Quinn is good enough to be in the club but as a club nemesis, I enjoy her greatly.
4. The Highlights – Some seriously funny one liners “why is that t-rex eating the Jew?” and “I worked that song like a stripper pole” are probably my favorites. I love that Sue is running for a seat on Congress based on a "cut art programs at schools" platform because that gives her new reason to hate the Glee club and something to do (unlike last season). I knew that I would love Vanessa Lengies – her character, Sugar, is a riot. She is sort of like a combination of Rachel Berry and Brittany minus the talent – it is brilliant. Santana finally getting kicked off the Glee club for being on "Team Sue" and a backstabbing bitch was perfect – I’m hopeful that her revenge will be delicious. Oh and Zises is out of Glee club...whoo-freaking-hooo!!
5. The Lowlights – Mercedes suddenly hanging all over her new man is irritating as hell. Blaine singing 'It's Not Unusual' was admittedly very cute but I can't help but picture Carlton from The Fresh Prince (I'm old...remember?!). And then it hit me that Blaine is sort of similar to Carlton - bow tie and all, which was distracting. I liked how Finn called him out for being in the spotlight all of the time - I think this will cause problems within the club. I didn't really like any of the other songs. 'We Got the Beat' was cute but it reminded me too much of High School Musical (and that is NOT a good thing). The girl who was supposed to "show up" Rachel and Kurt (apparently one of the many Glee Project winners) didn't come close to succeeding.
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