1. The Watch - While it is a confusing mixture of a sci-fi alien invasion flick and buddy comedy, the movie is far more entertaining than I was led to believe. Yes, the narrative is a bit all over the place and Ben Stiller gets more annoying with every movie he makes, but the other three actors (Vince Vaughn, Jonah Hill and Richard Ayoade) make a really great comedic trio. It would have benefited greatly if it deleted all the melodramatic bullshit (specifically, Ben Stiller's "issue") and instead focused on the humor. I am in complete amazement at the range of items you can buy at a Costco - seriously, you can buy televisions there?? I've never been in one before because I always thought it sold items in bulk (I live alone, so I have no use for this). It's definitely great advertising for them, because I totally want to go to one now. I can't say that The Watch is really all that memorable or even good, but I was entertained while watching it, which I think is all it set out to do.
2. Beasts of the Southern Wild - Powerful, beautiful, imaginative and poetic. All of these adjectives have been used to describe this little gem of a movie and I agree completely. Quvenzhane Wallis is incredible - this is a case where an untrained child actor works brilliantly with the material (as opposed to the kids in Moonrise Kingdom). My heart just broke the second she began speaking - her Oscar nomination is well deserved, as is the nomination for the director, Benh Zeitlin (but aaaaaah! No Ben Affleck?? More thoughts about this in a future post). I was expecting the movie to be more of a depressing drama about the devastation of hurricane Katrina, but I was not expecting the creativity of the narrative or the oddly uplifting message that the movie presents. It's such a pleasant surprise and I highly recommend it to anyone who appreciates the film medium as an art form.

5. Salmon Fishing in the Yemen - First off, I don't understand the sport of fishing. Like at all. I remember someone telling me how they put fish in a lake near my apartment and I thought how ridiculous it is that people catch fish, then release them, so that others can catch the same fish. How is that fun? The movie is just as boring and pointless as I imagine fishing is. I've never seen Emily Blunt so dull (although can someone please buy me that dress that she wears in the beginning? I won't look as beautiful, but I will be your best friend. Thanks.). I failed to see any chemistry between her and Ewan McGregor. There was also this awful "inspirational" soundtrack that became so grating that I wanted to rip my ears off. Kristin Scott Thomas was the only highlight, but she seemed to be disconnected from the plot - almost like she was in a completely different movie (a funny one). The rest of the movie was cheesy, predictable and melodramatic.
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